We resumed our community health outreaches in Sogunro and oko-agbon communities on Thursday , October 1st 2020
The impact of covid 19 is very much with us and the socio-economic impact of the lockdown is evident within these communities. Most pregnant women in these slums now leave their homes early to the market to be able to make tiny sales especially because markets are only opened few days a week.
Hence, in-spite of the door-to-door means of mobilization, an approach that normally contributes significantly to women turning up for our health outreaches. We only recorded 5 immunizations in Oko-Agbon community
We are having to devise new mobilization strategies including the incentive model approach , to improve attendance of pregnant women and babies during our next visit in November 2020.
We had better turn out at Sogunro, recording a total of 18 pregnant women (14 of these women had their tetanus shot) and immunized 24 babies in Sogunro.
We had one case of neonatal pneumonia and administered the initial first aid before referring to a primary healthcare center later in the week.
We had quite a number of follow up visits from nursing mothers who are on short term family planning and those who want to get on the 3 years family planning method.
We also administered first aid to a neonate who had a swollen thigh from the vaccination administered outside our outreach event.
We checked up on one of our preterm mothers, who had postpartum sepsis. She was rushed to the hospital last week and we contributed to her medical treatment. She has really improved since the last time we spoke with her.
We also assisted a family with funds towards their children’s resumption back to school.
Our interventions in these communities are not just health but it is also welfare and well-being for the community dwellers and we are able to do all of these because of your continuous support and donations so thank you for your consistency.