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AMCWF Outreach to Sogunro Community, Yaba,Lagos -31/10/2019


The flood continues to make working in the slum community of Sogunro, risky and difficult. Recounting today’s experience;

I can not even to recount the experience of today without first appreciating the resilence, commitment, dedication and devotion of our community health workers. – Rebecca Afolayan (Founder, Alabiamo Foundation)

Health Talk – Family Planning

Pregnant Women and Nursing mothers with their babies at Alabiamo Foundation Healthcare Outreach in Sogunro Community

We conducted our routine health talk presented in Yoruba by two nurses of our team to all the women in attendance. Lots of the women who had benefited from our free health outreaches during their previous pregnancies, majority of these women’s children are now above two years old shared with us today that they are taking child spacing into practice.

We also had one of the mothers use our family planning service right after taking consent from her partner. And three nursing mothers being prepared for family planning assistance during our next outreach in November at the Community.

Volunteers Welcome

More so, we were pleased to have a new volunteer onboard. Olajumoke, is a Midwife/Monitoring & Implementation officer who was more than happy to volunteer her skills and time at the community today.

Volunteer- Midwife attending to pregnant woman during Outreach

Volunteer- Midwife checking blood pressure of one of the pregnant women

Healthcare Intervention

A total of of thirty one women were attended to during the outreach today. We immunized nineteen babies and toddlers and provided antenatal care to eleven pregnant women.

We had to go beyond basic, to treat a toddler battling a severe case of dehydration due to diarrhea and also made referral for proper care.

A Cross section of images taken during the outreach

Nurse filling a vaccination form as Nursing mother and baby wait

Baby with nursing mother waiting for vaccination during outreach

Nurse checking blood pressure of pregnant woman

Finally, we wrapped up our last healthcare outreach for the month of October,2019. We are looking forward to November as we continue our fight against maternal and infant mortality and morbidity.


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