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HIV, Tuberculosis and A Nursing Mother

She came in late into our care. It was in her third trimester so much could not be done but we still did our best. We could not carry out the crucial routine blood test because we were also out of the testing kits required for the test. We, however, provided her with the basic routine drugs, malaria treatment, and mosquito net. She delivered her baby girl a few months after. We started immunizing her baby girl. By then we had the routine testing kits which we took her through after adequate health education on the importance of the test for her and her Nursing baby which she agreed to. It was during her baby’s 6-month visit that we discovered she was HIV positive.

Then it all made sense she has had a sore on her ankle for months even before her pregnancy which made mobility very difficult for her especially during the raining season because the Sogunro community is partly on water and the other part a swampy area. It also explains why someone else has to bring this baby girl for her immunization when the mother can’t because it rained. After learning about her HIV status, she was really scared so she ran and we did not see her for quite some time. All efforts to locate her were unsuccessful until she walked back in her self during one of our visits. By then her baby was close to 9 months old a time when we could also check her status. We had a lot of difficulties getting her to the care center for her antiviral treatment but eventually, we were able to.

In the process, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis as well but she is now on treatment for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS both health issues is close to a very critical stage but the joy in it for us now is that she has a fighting chance. She is a mother of 3 and these children are also under treatment and observation. This story is one that explains our commitment to this course and your consistent support is why we keep going. She is a work in progress.


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